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  • Reforms should continue to lasting change – Финансови новини

    Reforms should continue to lasting change

    The European Commission continues monitoring of Bulgaria and Romania in the justice and home affairs and does not require a provision of the two countries.
    This became known after it was disclosed today’s regular reports on Bulgaria and Romania, prepared pursuant to the European Commission imposed a mechanism for cooperation and control in the field of justice and home affairs.
    The European Commission had witnessed a new impetus to Bulgaria’s efforts to improve the justice system and the fight against corruption after its report of July 2008, stated in the conclusions and recommendations of the report today in the country.
    This can be seen in the efforts of individual actors in these areas to deal with structural problems. They deserve support and recognition for their efforts. These practical steps to help increase the efficiency of justice and to strengthen the prosecution and, in some cases, prevent opportunities for corruption.
    However, these steps are limited to the technical level and have an isolated effect, stated in the document. While the work of these individuals is welcome, it is not adequately supported by a broad political consensus and a convincing strategy to turn the fight against organized crime and corruption in the highest priority, the Commission found.
    A greater progress in the investigation, prosecution of corruption cases and organized crime a high level to ensure lasting change in Bulgaria, stated in the recommendations of the Commission.
    Deep reform of the justice has not been initiated. According to the Commission, the mechanism for cooperation and verification acts as a supporting tool and should be retained until these reforms are not implemented. Therefore the European Commission to assess future progress in the summer of 2010
    The reports are objective and report the situation such as f. We expect the new government to take into account the findings and recommendations in the report, said Yohanis Laytenberg, spokesperson of the EC in response to a question whether the findings in the report are influenced by the coming to power of the Emblem.
    There are specific tasks that require decisions. Bulgaria has made 21 recommendations in 16 to Romania, but can not say which country is better he said.
    Progress is there, it must be stimulated, accelerated, supported, there are technical improvements, but there is one area which requires more political will, which we insist.
    There is progress, there are many things to be done, concludes the European Commission Spokesman.
    Thoughts and passions about the report
    In this report, put an end to talk about a clause – part of a big step forward, said Minister of European Affairs Gergana retired pastures. It is important not to fall into euphoria, because the criticism is justified in the report, said Minister Passy.

    It predicts that the mechanism for cooperation and verification of progress in the area of Justice and Home Affairs may waive the summer of 2010
    Clearly define the report as solid evidence that a year ago entered a new approach in communication with Brussels on all these issues and a new type of coordination at a higher level and gives a successful result, „said Passi.
    This report and the previous two, failure to fight corruption and organized crime, said European Parliament from the Bulgarian Party Emblem Rumiana Jeleva.

    The second aspect covered by the report as it is the need for reform of the administration that should be working.
    Because of lack of fairness and sense of supremacy over the law, the rule of law almost three years after accession to EU is not yet a fact commented Jeleva to Focus Agency.
    It’s a pity that the previous government not taken anything. Needed for convictions proven guilty, says she.
    The regular European Commission report shows clearly that our country and our European partners working in the same direction realize the objectives that we seek. Each report is more positive, indicating the position in the European Parliament from the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Filiz Husmenova sent to BTA.
    According to the report Husmenova are all positive steps taken by the government. The most important achievement find improved communication between Bulgaria and Brussels, as it is a big part of our determination to overcome our problems, says Husmenova.
    The report has findings that are repeated from previous reports. They relate to the effective functioning of the judiciary, fighting corruption at the highest levels of power and crime, she adds. Brussels clearly shows us that these are tasks that must be given priority in our policy agenda, says Husmenova. This coincides with the expectations of the Bulgarian society, says the position. Except that the report is objective, it is much more specific as compared to the interim report of the Commission and that more useful for Bulgaria, according Husmenova.
    Criticism in my evrodoklada cost objective, commented earlier today, „draft“ the President of the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) Konstantin Penchev. If the report is a test, no high confidence that we perform well, there is still much work to be added Penchev. In his criticisms are justified to the SJC that no complete sense of objectivity, and reliance argumentiranost why choose this rather than that.

    He pointed out that agrees with the conclusion that the lack of political will, because if there were such, we would we more forward. The question is whether this will is something abstract or sum of the will of all who are on top of all the authorities, said the chairman of the SAC.
    Penchev said that moving forward, but the speed with which it is sought. He expressed hope that after the election things will change and the political will will become much more significant.
    Not fully share the assessment of the European Commission report on Bulgaria, said the President of the Supreme Court Lazar Gruev before the meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) earlier today.

    Obviously should be to simplify the procedure and removing formalizatsiyata he said. This is an opportunity for faster viewing of cases Gruev said. In his criticism to the SJC may have provoked public debate.
    The report of the European Commission is encouraging and assess progress, said to journalists in Parliament the Minister of Interior Mihail Mikov retired. At home, the safeguard clause flourish, including the opposition in the previous National Assembly, no longer exists as a threat to Bulgaria he said. According to Mikov report is objective and shows an improved level of interaction with the EC.
    The report is clear progress in some key areas, but unfortunately it is insufficient, said chief prosecutor Boris Velchev before the meeting on the report of the Commission for Justice and Home Affairs.

    The fact that as a result of the mechanism of checks and cooperation over the past 365 days, the Commission notes some progress in several key areas where so far, similar progress has not been found means that this mechanism works well, said the chief prosecutor prosecutor, in response to a question, wait till the next report will be better, and tolerable criticism.
    Next summer will be prepared and submitted new reports as a mechanism for cooperation, said the head of the Group of the European Commission speaker Johannes Laytenberger who proclaimed today’s reports.
    The documents were prepared by experts in the Office of the Secretary General of European Commission Vice-President of the Commission Jacques Barrot, responsible for justice, freedom and security. Assistance had the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

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