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  • Rubini prophet prophesied jump in raw materials in 2010 – Финансови новини

    Rubini prophet prophesied jump in raw materials in 2010

    Price may continue to increase in 2010 with the weakening of the global recession, said beneficiaries of ambiguous glory economist Nuria Rubini. He predicted collapse of the last two years, but has its critics Rubini «charlatan“ who verbalizira fears of people.
    As global economic growth will go to see further increases in raw material prices especially during the next year, says Rubin, who now has as a potential light at the tunnel of economic development.
    Rubini said July 23 that the world economy will begin to recover until the end of 2009, prior to likely enter recession at the end of 2010 or in 2011 because of growing debt, high oil prices and problems in the labor market.
    According to Rubini recovery will continue slowly over time, in 2009 the global economy will take into account the decrease of 2 percent and 2.3 percent growth in 2010


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