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  • Spanish Jobless Total Drops – Финансови новини

    Spanish Jobless Total Drops

    Spain’s jobless rate – which is the highest in the euro zone – fell at its fastest pace for five years in May.
    It dropped 1.8 percent from April’s total with fewer people out of work in all sectors.
    Joblessness fell by 76,000 to 4.06 million people.
    Spain’s official unemployment in the first quarter hit 20 percent, around double the euro zone average.
    The country’s high jobless rate underlines the struggle the economy has faced to emerge from its worst recession in decades, sparked by the bursting of a property bubble and sliding consumer demand.
    The head of the Labour Ministry’s employment department, Maravillas Rojo, said: “This is, without doubt, a good figure considering the economic situation.”
    In April the jobless rate fell by 0.58 percent, the first drop since July 2009.

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