
Bernanke and family became a victim of American crime

Crookes by criminal gangs, Cannon to the Wiz have stolen from the bank account of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke $ 900, told U.S. magazine Newsweek.
In early August last year from the personal account of Bernanke $ 900 were missing. Shortly before this purse of his wife Anna Bernanke was stolen while she was in a coffee shop Starbucks. In the bag was checkbook for their family bank account.
This handbag fell into the hands of members of gangs Cannon to the Wiz and then one of them cash the check for the amount of $ 900.
The magazine claims that the actions of the Cannon to the Wiz were injured over 500 people, and their total losses are estimated at 2.1 million dollars.
In a communication to the journal Bernanke acknowledged that his wife has become a victim of fraud.
Identity theft is a serious crime that affects millions of Americans each year. Our family was just one of the 500 individuals or victims of a moral network of malefactors, says Bernanke.

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