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  • Give me my dolls … – Финансови новини

    Give me my dolls …

    Not seen the end of the game of poker about Opel. Not visible and the end of controversy about state aid for concern, of course, taxpayers’ money. A Germanic politicians experience for any time you like saviors.

    Everywhere in this week’s show up the boss of General Motors Europe, Nick Reilly, the prime ministers of the Länder of Germany demonstrated its serious concern. What exactly are promised the manager of Opel do not know. However, it is not difficult to guess – money, naturally. Money against jobs. However, and this assistance. All four of Opel factories in Germany remain intact. But with reduced staff. Otherwise he could not be expected. And it would be absolutely incorrect severely hit by the crisis automobile industry to be artificially kept afloat with taxpayers’ money.

    Is it all over again was in place?
    According to the concept for the renovation of General Motors would be cut 9.500 jobs across Europe. A figure which came in the accounts and the consortium Magna, political favoritism from Germany as a buyer and partner for Opel.

    After the refusal of General Motors to sell Opel Reaction from Berlin, not late – then give your money back! The state was still granted a loan term of more than 1.5 billion euros. Now General Motors money back and excitement reigns in Berlin – here, see you again All of you in place. Taxpayer money is napokatnati.
    But not just talking about it. General Motors certainly will not miss the chase and tame the wild, of course – myself to pay for the restructuring of its European subsidiary. U.S. concern continues to be red. And some experts predict a long period of stagnation for the world automotive industry. Neither China nor in Russia, not to mention America, prospects are rosy.
    The European Commission brought together at a table all Member States in which there Opel factories. The meeting aimed to prevent competition in the subsidizing of these plants. Is certainly tempting to offer the prospect of money against the closure of some plants. But such a strategy has not helped anyone. Just around the world are producing too many cars.
    Never ending saga
    So once again: the structure should be fit to the needs, however painful it is to this process. Of course, provided that social security systems are able to absorb such a structural reform. Because in the long term, nobody can prevent it. But let’s get back to Opel. For starters there is a fair assumption of breath at least for plants in Germany. Something that makes the agents of the Group continued after months of disputes. However, workers themselves know very well that the end of this story is not yet well written.

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    Henrik Böhme, Deutsche Welle

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