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  • Review – Финансови новини


    One big question asked by the first page „24 hours“ – „What is Traffic? – You can plug unstopped from the sea, is the finding of the paper. The reason for this is the big question jam formed on the road from Karnobat to Petolachkata, on returning from sea cars. Drivers have passed an average of three hours in their cars, no road to see a policeman, who help found daily. The only car in traffic was seen in the parking lot, where uniformed officer is based on coffee, the newspaper states.

    Of Labor will find you the new idea of traffic – to introduce an annual sticker for each car. The new patch should replace vignette and symbols for technical review and insurance civil liability. To lead to the adoption of this idea, however, must be connected to the computer systems for police and driving avtoregistratsiite fines on insurers, the road agency and the tax office, explains „Working“.

    Nebo paid driving your first page and the Monitor, which reports that about 200 people were stuck in muddy trap in Shkorpilovtsi after torrential rain has blocked the road washout and mud tracks with a depth of nearly meter. Petdesetinata cars of the families remained trapped several hours explaining Monitor.

    „Standard“ selected for leading the heading „cut money from the boards. The publication cites the promise of the candidate Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, as you should be terminated party rack of boards of state enterprises. According to Borisov partiytsite attachment of the boards by 10-12 thousand euro a month, his proposal is the participation in a board to carry not more than one monthly salary.

    Emblem of the proposal displayed on its front page and now, namely that the benefits will be reduced to small portions for four years. Entering the actual land management undertaken by some of the promises Emblem, comments on the paper.

    „Money gives the floor to representatives of the tourism industry, according to the Agency of Tourism should remain as its transfer to the Ministry of Economy will be a slap on the sector and thereby reduce the level of administration in the field.

    From „Diary“ will understand that delayed contracts potentially millions of EU. It’s unsigned, but the approved projects already third month waiting funding.

    The „Word“ lead story is that police want Emblem 200% / maybe this is an implied promise / more money for clothes and food in the Appendix that the police union has made six specific requests to the new prime minister and calls for urgent meeting.

    Complete Review of Journal Novinar from which we learn that the Bulgarian can go into retirement, because for lack of sufficient financial and vegetable cannery indebtedness of many of them forced to stop work.

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