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  • Tato immersed plane, make it an artificial reef – Финансови новини

    Tato immersed plane, make it an artificial reef

    The government of Todor Zhivkov plane „Tupolev 154“ will be immersed in the Bay of Varna later next week. This was announced by Orlin Tzanev, one of the initiators of the idea, photographer and chairman of the Association of submariner Black Sea Daiva Odessos.
    Aeroplanat will descend to a depth of 22 meters, about 500 meters offshore, east of Cape Galata and south of Golden Sands. The location is consistent with the relevant bodies located outside the fairway and military polygons, indicated Tzanev.
    Special avtoplatforma, 40-ton body of the airplane without the wings and stabilizers will be moved to the Lake of Varna, where you will be transported by barge at the shipyard. There the aircraft will be assembled, all cable systems and the machinery will be removed and the body cleansed and prepared for immersion. The plane is 11 meters high and 48 meters long. With barge old Tupolev 154 will be moved to a designated drop site in the Bay of Varna, Darik.
    At the bottom of the bay over the years, the aircraft will become an artificial reef, where the seeker will find many marine species. The remains of the old airplane will be an attraction for both tourists and school „testing ground“ for merakliite to become divers, but access to it will be free.
    Last summer near Sozopol with a similar purpose was sunk ship „Pioneer“, a former trawler, which also served to our former head of state Todor Zhivkov. Sunken ships in the Black Sea will be described even in the most luxurious soon in Atlas.


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