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  • To 3000 euro premium for municipal heads in Plovdiv? – Финансови новини

    To 3000 euro premium for municipal heads in Plovdiv?

    The ability of managers at 15 companies owned by the municipality of Plovdiv, obtain solid premium to 20 percent of their annual salaries will rise to serious debate on the forthcoming municipal session, said Radio Plovdiv.

    References in the reports show that it can reach the amount of around 6000 euro.
    The proposal of the Deputy Mayor of Economics Alexander Konstantinov left mnogotochiya against management of companies in order to vote counselors what bonus they receive. Options are 5 to 20 percent of accrued salary for the 2008-A, Konstantinov but all want to get an equal share in the range of up to 10%. This should be the ceiling and as chairman of the municipal council Ilko Iliev, which calls for lower premiums called tantiemi. They will be charged only in profitable companies, and 7 of these bonuses will be. However, premiums will be heads of boards, some of which are replaced 2 or 3 times in one years. Such is the case with the Municipal Guard.
    Maximum tantiema can get a doctor Krumova of Hope Hospital Saint Mina, as the salary for 2008-and was over 30 thousand, a hospital reported a profit of BGN 164 thousand. 20% bonus for Krumova which is still provisional head of the hospital will bring nearly 6300 leva.

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