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  • We witness the „bank tourism“ – Финансови новини

    We witness the „bank tourism“

    High interest rates on deposits created in the public attitude of „bank tourism, short duration of relations“ client-bank and additional burden on businesses through lending, said in an interview for BTA Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of ProCredit Bank Bulgaria Petar Slavov.
    Customers should not be mislead by euphoria of the high interest rates on deposits. Renegotiation of individual interest on the deposit is automatically excluded from investment security under the State Fund is his opinion.
    Will be well if the race to stop promotions for higher interest on deposits.
    The state should create incentives for business development and retention of jobs, said bankers.
    The currency board is a good medicine and entry into the euro will be its logical conclusion, „said Slavov.
    According to him, it largely depends on the EU and how we can fulfill the criteria for entry into the euro.
    Reception will give extra peace of mind to businesses he said.
    I do not think that there will be a steep increase in prices of entry into the euro, said in response to question him. Inflation largely depends on the solvency.
    There is no reason to expect the effect on savings, „said Slavov.

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