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  • Petar Dimitrov: Closure of BEH would be a mistake – Финансови новини

    Petar Dimitrov: Closure of BEH would be a mistake

    The closure of the Bulgarian energy holding (BEH) will be strongly anti-Bulgarian move and error. Told FOCUS News Agency MP from the Coalition for Bulgaria and former Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov in connection with the view expressed by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov intend holding close.

    „The projects in the energy sector are becoming more complex and more expensive. In Europe and the world is going renaissance of nuclear energy. No serious entity that can, on behalf of the Bulgarian state to build a nuclear plant. You see, it is not within reach of the NEC. With the problems that have a loan of 250 million from BNP Paribas, it is clear that such a structure can not cope with such a project, „said Dimitrov.
    According to him, major projects along the Danube, which should be built are very expensive and can not be carried out by small operators. Dimitrov added that wind farms under construction, cost over 250 million euros.
    „From this perspective, holding condemns closure of Bulgaria’s largest energy and I think it is a huge mistake. It better not happen, „said former energy minister.

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