„Skype“ sold for $ 2 billion?

Internet shop eBay will announce on Tuesday the sale of its unit „Skype,“ said The New York Times, citing sources close to the company.
According to the newspaper, eBay wants about $ 2 billion for razrabotchika the popular communications software over the network.
Buyers will have a group of investment companies, some of which have added money to „Skype“ and before. Such is the case with Index Ventures, which is among the first investors in the company. Candidates include more Andereesen Horowitz, whose manager Mark Andereesen is one of the creators of the popular in the recent past „Netscape“. To them prisaediyanva and Silver Lake Partners.
„Skype became the property of eBay 4 years ago. Despite the enormous popularity of communications software, analysts determined that transaction as one of the most disadvantages in the history of the technology sector. On eBay were forced to save 900 million dollars for extraordinary expenses decline in the reputation of „Skype“ which reduce the carrying value. Meanwhile, the market constantly circulated rumors that „Skype is preparing to enter the stock market.

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