Europe started with mixed trading

Crude oil is stable at stock exchanges in anticipation of today’s data on U.S. energy department for stocks of crude oil and fuels. Expected growth of oil reserves by about 600 000 barrels, but last night the American petroleum institute reported that its data reporting a decline of 1.52 million barrels per. Again according to the Institute has a rise in gasoline stocks by 2.1 million barrels per to 215.7 million barrels per. Before lunch electronic exchange in New York American lightest oil is quoted to 71.31 dollars per barrel and Brent oil in London variety is traded for 73.80 dollars per barrel. Foreign exchange markets after big moves at the beginning of the week in which to get the euro dollar, now trading pouspokoi are a couple on the EUR / USD traded around the 1.44 level. After the European single currency exchanges quoted at 1.4403 dollars in state for € 1. Nowadays Europe starts with mixed capital markets trading. Yet analysts note that at the beginning of the session there is excess optimism about better than expected data on the French bank Societe Generale and insurer Axa. Germany DAX INDEX decreased by 0.06 percent to 5413 points, CAC 40 in France adding 0.37 percent to 3 489 points and the FTSE 100 in Britain fell by 0.13 percent to 4665 points.

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