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  • Greece intends to privatized state companies for oil and natural gas – Финансови новини

    Greece intends to privatized state companies for oil and natural gas

    Greece intends to razdarzhavi national companies for oil and natural gas, said Minister Costis Hadzidakis development. From his statement it appears that home two companies will combine, and then they will seek a strategic investor to buy 49 percent of the shares and the remaining 51 will remain the property of the Greek state, indicating grreporter.info. According to the unification minister will be no later than the end of the year after being adopted and the relevant law, currently the ministry is preparing. Costis Hadzidakis said that the Government will ensure that reforms in the two companies will be carried out without being prejudiced the interests of both countries and workers in both companies – and DEFTA LANDFILLS.
    Minister of Development said it is optimistic about finding a big strategic investor in the new company because it has priviligerovano position in pursuit of oil research in the Aegean Sea, which will also be defined by the new law. Costis Hadzidakis added that the studies and extraction of oil in the Aegean Sea will become a strict compliance with the conditions for environmental cleanliness of the water pool, in full respect of scientific norms and national interests of Greece. For this purpose will be established a national committee that will participate and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dora Bakoyani.
    Greek Development Minister Costis Hadzidakis was one of the drivers of successful privatization deal for the former national airline Olympic, which was sold on Marfin Investment Group after a long failure of the Greek Government to ottarvat thereof. Economic analysts give higher chances of success and plan for privatization of national companies for oil and natural gas.

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