In Asia the market boom experienced the primary offerings

Initial public offerings (IPO) markets in Asia are experiencing their heyday in the context of the release of local economies in recession and recovery of capital markets.
This clears the ground to open the region to become a major place for raising capital for companies in the world, comment on the agencies.
But unlike the last boom in Asian IPO two years ago, according to analysts pricing in current conditions is a key factor that will allow you to avoid followed the collapse of stock prices, which is crucial given the current uncertainty of the economic situation.
„Investors retain their desire to invest in shares. Many seek sites for their existing investments, which continue to grow, „commented chief investment specialist in the Australian Souls Funds Management Vilante Frank. China was again the leading market for IPO in the region.
While Australia, India and South Korea also attract numerous initial public offerings of shares, they can not be measured or Hong Kong nor China materikov volume of transactions. As an example may be given at this year’s biggest IPO – that of China China State Construction Engineering Corp. for $ 7.3 billion, and the results surpassed the boldest expectations.
In a number of other offerings were less impressive. Shares of the largest Chinese builder of homes completed at a cost of 6.53 Joana (0.95 dollars), registering a growth of 56.2 percent of the cost of issuance. The highest value attained in the course of trade, John was 7.96 – an increase of 90.4%. Currently, the Chinese construction conglomerates occupy a leading position among the candidates for conducting the IPO, as private equity and hedge fund industry as a whole rush to enter the market.
At the same time, many investment bankers believe that not all offerings will prove sufficiently successful. „There are many proposals, but in a slow global economic growth, Asia continues to offer the best opportunities for investment.
The increased interest in stock trading in the country is reminiscent of the values of the end of 2008, analyst comment.
The current wave of investor herd post-crisis „caused by the desire of the representatives of the middle class in China to participate in the expected minibum markets, experts say. We have witnessed a substantial potential for the use of these opportunities, „stated the head of the department to work with Morgan Stanley shares in Justin Ike.
According to his estimates in Hong Kong by the end of the year can be carried out primary offerings of the course to be raised $ 10 billion – $ 15 billion in Australia this indicator is assessed for about $ 5 billion, while in South Korea for September are IPO scheduled for a $ 1 billion

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