Steam mess spirit or why restrict trade in U.S. futures

State regulators in the U.S. listen to consumers, businesses, retailers and financial companies, while considering the imposition of restrictions in notional trading of energy contracts resursi. Fyucharsite used by speculator to bet on price movements in the market, but critics argue that it enhances the power of price deviations. They have left regulators speculation in the market to cause financial losses caused by turbulent changes in prices that has hurt wholesalers, airlines, and the user. Committee on futures trading of goods holds first hearing on the matter today announced Ar. According to spokesman of the state agency, any restrictions may be imposed in the late summer or autumn. The Commission will consider whether to limit the volume of futures trading by those who are just financial investors. Support the free market of Washington in recent years, explains why regulators refrain from action against the volatile oil futures market. The Bush administration to oppose a strict regulation of the financial industry. Another reason why the agency stands out as long as critics is that the financial industry has deep pockets and a strong lobby. Industry has spent millions of dollars in recent years to lobby Congress and in state administration.

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