The former broker of „loans syuis“ Julian Tzolov has been arrested and will be tried

The former broker of loans syuis „Julian Tzolov has been arrested and will be tried
Arrested is a former broker of loans syuis, Julian Tzolov Bulgarians, accused the U.S. of financial fraud and default of two months of justice.

Tzolov was initially arrested in the autumn of last year with another broker on charges of bank fraud in securities worth over $ 1 billion. They are not recognized guilty. Tzolov was released on bail, under house arrest and electronic monitoring, but on May 9 escape from New York.

According to an anonymous source from the judiciary, Bulgarians were captured in Spain.

Tzolov and the other accused in this case Eric Butler must stand before court next week in Brooklyn. Tzolov will be charged in addition to visa fraud and breach of conditions of security.

Two former brokers are investors lie type investments without their knowledge purchased securities secured by mortgage loans.

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