Vinprom Peshtera consolidated revenue increased by 70 percent to 82 million leva
Vinprom Peshtera Corp. reported annual growth of 70% of consolidated sales revenue to 82 million leva for 2008 net profit of the company declined by 5.5 percent compared to 2007 to 2.8 million leva
Equity of the company at the end of 2008 was 51.8 million leva Netekushtite His liabilities are about 23.8 million euro, and are running 66.3 million leva
Subsidiaries of Vinprom Peshtera AD are Omega Agro Ltd., Omega Agro Invest EAD EDC Consult Ltd., STC Ltd. and Peshtera tourist LTD. Omega Agro Ltd has 6 438 ha of land, of which 3 059 plododavashti grapes. Omega Agri Invest Ltd. has 48 283 ha.
Vinprom Peshtera AD produces brandies (Peshtersko grape), vodka (Flirt), wine (Bacchus, Bacchus Cabernet Sauvignon), mastic (Cave) and mint (Cave), brandy (Lion D’oR), gin (SIXth Sence), whiskey ( Black Ram) and pre-mix (Flirt).