Who knows where he goes … as long elsewhere

Small photo with a brief text on the second page in the latest issue of the Journal show staring me by surprise. The questions came later. It can be seen on something unseen – „Mercedes“ S-Class has ruins down the stairs to the National stadium „Vasil Levski“. So ridiculous that at first I thought it was fitting. It turned out however that his living is true. Moreover, Mercedes turned out to be a fledgling boss of the Governing Board of the National Stadium Tenyo Tenev, went for the first time the new stadium to capacity. The man himself drove luxury vehicles.

Forgiven is when you are new to high office do not know exactly which floor is your office. But when you are preparing to govern the sport facilities of the state and thus go to the entrance of the stadium, ie of the workplace, this is something else.

The national stadium „Vasil Levski“ is one of the most popular places in Sofia and to go up the stairs to the main entrance drive is beyond ridiculous and absurd. Not to mention that the first innocent pedestrian on these stairs would remain under the bumper of the car.

It is not known also why this lack of money in state and sport a Chairman of the Board must necessarily drive „Mercedes“ S-class and what you have to ride in such circumstances the minister?
Did so occasionally gets downstairs. Tenev and could use a special elevator for cars, but would not say where it is.

Generally in this case we can supplement the wisdom that does not know where he goes, usually provided elsewhere. Now is not bad to add: „And who does not know where to go …“

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Evgeni Petrov, BLITZ

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