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  • Press Review – Финансови новини

    Press Review

    Monitor reported: „I said to participate in Nabucco. The project does not compete with the „South Stream“ is quoted as telling the visiting country and Joschka Fischer. After the pig comes and seasonal flu, warns Monitor. Mass hysteria and shortage of medicines and Novinar notes. In 2010th hospitals will accept patients on the list, notes, and now adds that the clinic will now work with delegated budgets and this will encourage medical tourism. Word of the reported resignation Rumyana Todorova, as director of the National Health Insurance.
    The central theme is the standard for disclosure of special services that the 30-year-old form Sofia Vladi is the new king of the cocaine mafia in the country. Personally mythical underground boss Hristoforos Amanatidis – Taki indicated by Vlado Hristov neighborhood „reka“ for his successor.
    In Novinar also deal with criminal subject, but from another angle. Redundant workers kidnapped angry bosses, is the title of the material, which tells how the subject of outrage and people become middle class.
    24 hours also notes the crisis gave birth to a new kind of crime that is about to shift kidnapping. Banks detected strange movements of assets against which the missing payments. For this and the title of the article reads: „You’re alive? Transfer Company.
    Financial is a leading theme in a book entitled „Attracting deposits has reached its limit. According to bankers, there are sufficient resources for mortgages, notes issue and adds that one billion 843 million euro are bad loans that are losing out as banks.
    Working in the central theme is entitled: „The Exchange prices of goods went up. The reversal in quotations indicate the final crisis. Since October began appreciation of wheat, corn, sunflower. Join a new boom in demand for copper, which the London Metal Exchange reached 6425 U.S. dollars per ton in 2843 against the dollar early this year, Trud reported.
    Almost all editions published photos and reports about the meeting of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov in SANS. Currently noted: „Borisov nahasa SANS to catch corrupt of GERD. Standard states that provides award minister caught with bribe.
    Dnevnik writes: The proposal of the Ministry of Justice in the context of the urgent changes in the Judiciary Act, and as a response to scandal Krasyo Mulberry trees with chains to provide a lifetime ban on employment of judges and prosecutors, which undermine the prestige of the judiciary, particularly the Supreme Judicial Council. However, in 24 hours has published an interview with Black Krasyo said, ozagvaveno: „In 1140 there dzhiesema my number to give you all resign?“
    Some dailies focus on scandals at CSKA. Reported that the coach drove Luboslav Penev unprecedented nine players because of violation of discipline. The theme of the work is entitled „Prostitutes and alcohol fail CSKA.

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